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This technological change is not trivial, because at the end of 2008 the use of iPhone stated to rise exponentially due to the introduction in the market of the iPhone 3G in July of 2008 69, which it could be understood as the beginning of the common use of the new mobile technologies in the western societies. The use of Mobile media in this museum revealed a number of aspects related to the technological uses like people could interact with the technology in museums, they could provide information and guidance. Related to the visitor satisfaction, the most significant findings were that older visitors found the technology more difficult to use than younger visitors. From 2000 to 2008 the most important projects about Mobile learning were funded by the European Commission such as MOBlLearn, HandLer and M-learning. In that sense, their ideas are closer to our approach about what is Mobile learning. Also about text there were diverse responses. In the research projects reviewed so far, apart from the fact that they are focused of school students, also they share technical limitations of the media used.

2009) reviewed the most important research projects developed until that moment in European context and also because technological arguments: in the first period the most common technologies are mobile phone and mobile devices such a PDA o GPS, camiseta bilbao 2023 but in the second period the devices dominated are Smartphones and tablets. Among them the most ambitious project was MOBILearn, not only because its purpose, bilbao camiseta but because of its impact. As we mentioned above MOBILearn project was very important because of its impact and consequences. The learning strategy is based on three moments, before the visit, during and after de visit, what we consider is the traditional learning strategy implemented in museum learning activities for school students, the only different is that in that project innovative media are used, mobile phones mixed with blog and wiki, which not very common technological resources used even currently in museums. Even so, and after the review of the evolution of the concept of Mobile learning and the diverse approaches about Mobile learning as learning theory, we establish that the development of a proper learning theory on the move is something in progress and there are some challenges to accomplish about that in the near future.

Furthermore, from the perspective of this research the aspects that will be to point out of these projects will be which is the learning strategy used combining Mobile Media and Art interpretation; which is the tagged public, -we will be interested on the projects in which the tagged public go beyond the students of schools-, and finally; what projects analysis about visitor experience, such a attention and guidance, satisfaction or learning. Related to the first aspect, although all these projects are focused on informal context of learning, as Art museums, audiences such as general public, adults or tourists are not included as sample for the projects. Another interesting project centered on Art Museums is the Tate Modern Multimedia Tour pilots (Proctor and Burton, 2004), the project was based on the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) on a wireless network in the galleries. Another important contribution which may aid in what Mobile learning means as a new model of learning is the approach of Kress and Pachler (2007). They define the characteristics and the potential for an effective use of the new digital technologies. ” and “what is mobile? ” The answer to the first question is everyone who inhabits the new habitus of learning based on the immediate and ubiquitously access to the information of the word.

Perhaps, we suggest the way to resolve that will be to focus the attention on the deep changes that mobile media produce on learners and their social and cultural context conditions. María Victoria López Benito

evaluation methods used must be taken into account for future projects that link school visits, museums and mobile technologies, or be adapted to other kinds of visitors of museums. Kukulska-Hulme et al., 2009) is focused on school students as sample for the project as well; however in that case we want to point out the learning strategy used which is based on discovery learning and collaborative tasks. Although this project was implemented in three museums in which are included museums and galleries, (Vavoula & Sharples, 2009), as the space of the implementation of our research, the sample was 3000 school students, what it means a kind of visitors completely different of our research. Apart from the projects funded by the European Commission, during this period several research projects were developed. In short, the first consequences for learning experiences of this framework are: “the teacher has no ontologically privileged position in teaching”; “the creation of learning occurs as the act of exchange happens” and “learning systems need to take shared ownership of learning” (Sharples et al., 2010:96). This conceptual framework of learning viewed as “the processes of coming to know through conversations and explorations across multiple contexts amongst people and personal interactive technologies” changes completely the traditional concept of learning but at the same time offers a conceptual framework adapted to the needs of the current learners even beyond to the formal and informal contexts of learning.