In relation with the economic aspects Traxler asserts as “learning is understood as work the implications for formal education of the changes about where, when and how learning happens must change in the same way as work itself”. Therefore, Traxler also argues that Mobile learning has the key to give response to social and cultural changes related to how to learn currently. He asserts that Mobile technologies modify the times and places where and when learning happens. The literature on Mobile learning has made a strong effort to establish a theory of Mobile learning during the last ten years. All of these statements lead Traxler (2010) to establish two important conclusions. Finally, Traxler refers to new models of learning in the context of mobility, for example, learning as a form of discourse citing Laurillard (2002) or learning as conversation in context (Sharples, 2005). The last aspect that Traxler analyses is Mobile devices affect the way in which any kind of content ,-ideas, images, information-, and hence the process by learning is produced, stored, distributed, delivered and consumed, changes completely. The aspects of these projects which are of interest for the conceptual framework of this research project are which is the learning strategy used combining Mobile Media and Art interpretation, which is the public tagged in the projects,-related to that the projects more useful for our research will be the projects in which the tagged public is beyond the students of school-, and finally what the projects analysis about the visitor experience, such a attention and guidance, satisfaction or learning.
Regarding to the first aspect of this review, Ally (2009), point out Mobile media forms an important part of many people lifes, especially in developed countries, they are used more and more to everyday tasks or to socialise, they will require mobile materials for learning purposes. The first point is to bring out the changes that Mobile Media has generated in Education and the process of learning. Mobile Media, Change Education and Learning. As the definition becomes more complex, the understanding of what is Mobile learning becomes more stable, solid and convincing. 2.4.2 Mobile learning, toward a learning theor y of 21st centur y. According to Ally, there is no doubt about the benefits of Mobile learning, such as the capacity to deliver learning materials to people who live in remote locations or people who are not able to leave their home or jobs to learn. Secondly, the kinds of investigation of learning are not adequate, appropriate or valid because they are based upon philosophical foundations.
Secondly, point out the relevant contributions to Mobile learning as learning theory. Related to the changes of the process of learning due to the Mobile technologies is very inspiring. Hence, the current educative context must be adapted in response to economic developments. After the review of the evolution of learning theories is finished, it is necessary to do a deeper review of the influence of mobile media in Education, known as, camiseta del athletic bilbao Mobile learning. Al igual que las teorías sobre el aprendizaje, derivadas del paradigma humanista dieron lugar a diversos planteamientos educativos que tenían puntos de conexión entre ellos y que desarrollaban a la vez otros matices propios, el contexto de la Tecnología Educativa ha generado la misma variedad de planteamientos, conceptos o teorías; de los cuales nos centramos en dos de ellos que nos parecen de especial importancia, porque bajo nuestra punto de vista son esenciales para comprender el germen del Mobile learning y los derroteros que está tomando la teoría educativa fuertemente influenciada por lo digital. These efforts have resulted in different meanings that have been described to Mobile learning. Otras obras antes y después de esta tienen como tema el mismo manso, aún cuando es interpretado con una gran libertad de estilos que algunas ocasiones recuerda incluso a prefiguraciones cubistas.
Sin embargo, lo que llama la atención de este cuadro es el tema, ya que Joan Serra pinta mayoritariamente paisajes naturales, naturalezas muertas y sobre todo vistas de playas con barcas, tema que junto con las escenas de circo, dominan en sus obras de madurez. Como ya se ha dicho la mayoría de estas obras no han sido objeto de investigaciones a fondo, aun cuando existe una bibliografía fundamental que es preciso recordar. Incapaz de localizar suficientes camisetas al estilo del club, regresaba a casa por los muelles de Southampton cuando descubrió que los colores del Southampton FC, rojo y blanco, hacían juego con los colores de la ciudad de Bilbao y decidió comprar un juego de sus camisetas a rayas. El segundo uniforme si contó con la presencia del rojo (con una tonalidad cercana al bermellón), antiguo color del club, con los ribetes en negro. Al fundar el club, la idea era no utilizar colores ya vistos en antiguos equipos de Bilbao, como Caja Bilbao (azul y amarillo) o Patronato (verde). Estudio exploratorio sobre la interpretación didáctica del arte en el Museo a través de tecnologías móviles
diferencia con el aprendizaje on-line es que este se ocupa más del proceso de aprendizaje, entendido este como la interrelación entre los diversos agentes involucrados en la acción educativa y el aprendizaje colaborativo centra su atención en el resultado del aprendizaje, que se debe a la acción e interrelación de distintos agentes y fuentes de información.