Traxler (2010) carries out an analysis of the educational implications of mobility, especially the economic and social aspects of mobility. This review focuses on three important aspects of Mobile learning. Estudio exploratorio sobre la interpretación didáctica del arte en el Museo a través de tecnologías móviles
From our perspective Mobile Media should be used and viewed as an extension of the limits of the classroom, in a way they could extend the context and the time of learning experience, for that we agree with Pachler, who establish that “rather than subverting direct experience and communion, mobile devices have the potential to move learning experience from the artificial confines of the classroom and out to more naturalistic field settings” (Pachler, 2010:154). Beyond the strict context of the formal education, concepts such as fluidity, provisionality or instability, -characteristics of modern societies-, make that the Pachler’s conceptual frame is focused on the socio-cultural conditions of learning in the context of developments in mass media.
The first one is from the traditional perspective of school mobile devices are viewed as “object of enquiry” and not as objects that could provide critical literary for the students. After the review of the evolution of learning theories is finished, it is necessary to do a deeper review of the influence of mobile media in Education, known as, Mobile learning. In that sense, the purpose of his conceptual framework is to give an educational response to the needs of the learners who live in specific social and economic context, connected to the normalization of the use of mobile devices for everyday tasks, where more than ever the responsibilities of meaning-making depends on each individual or learner and also which is more important to provide an educational frame that Education was adapted to the needs of the learners and they acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and critical thinking for living in society.
Cobo & Moravec assert the useful learning happens in invisible spaces of learning such as social media, or a computer game, hence formal education should use these tools to provide an effective learning enviroment. Secondly, the kinds of investigation of learning are not adequate, appropriate or valid because they are based upon philosophical foundations. Also, they consider mobile learning as learning with portable devices and learning while mobile, including the interaction with other people. The second key component is Cultural practices. The first key component of the approach is Agengy, which means the auto-management of the use of mobile devices for learning, camiseta bilbao the capacity of one’s own of build a process of learning in relation with others and in conclusion the use of mobile technologies for learning makes that the individual construct his own lifeworld. These changes of structures of the process of knowledge become a challenge for Education mediated by mobile technologies. Norbert Pachler elaborates another interesting contribution to the understanding of how Mobile Media are modifying the context of Education.
Firstly, nowadays the environment of the formal education is changing but the technical enhancements; curriculum and educators are not aligned. This fact must imply a significant change in the design of learning materials, changes in the relation teacher-learner and hence changes in how people learn. Therefore, Traxler also argues that Mobile learning has the key to give response to social and cultural changes related to how to learn currently. Other changes in structures is the level of risk of individualization implied in the use of mobile devices or the new social stratification related to pattern of media use. However, learning materials must be adapted to the mobile media and context or as Ally argues “The design of learning materials for mobile devices must follow good learning theories and proper instructional design for the learning to be effective” (Ally, 2009: 5). In conclusion his contribution (2009) reflexs the great advances in Mobile learning but he also establishes that there are a lot of challenges to reach for Education changes that Mobile learning imply, both teachers and learners, both formal and informal contexts of learning, and also both technical and theoretical issues. Hence, the current educative context must be adapted in response to economic developments.
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